Fallen heroes honored at Memorial Day ceremony


Stroud also praises today’s soldiers

  • THE MEMORIAL DAY guest speaker was Dale Stroud, retired Burleson County sheriff.
    THE MEMORIAL DAY guest speaker was Dale Stroud, retired Burleson County sheriff.
  • PLACING THE MEMORIAL Day Wreath at the Burleson County War Memorial were, from left, Tina Smith, Donny Wood and Tommy Miles.
    PLACING THE MEMORIAL Day Wreath at the Burleson County War Memorial were, from left, Tina Smith, Donny Wood and Tommy Miles.
  • THE CALDWELL VFW RIFLE Honor Guard fired a three-rifle volley at the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Burleson County War Memorial. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders
    THE CALDWELL VFW RIFLE Honor Guard fired a three-rifle volley at the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Burleson County War Memorial. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders
  • THE CALDWELL VFW Post No. 4458 addresses veterans at CHI St. Joseph Health Manor Nursing Home in Caldwell for a Memorial Day program there. Franklin Karasek, right, is addressing the veterans. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders
    THE CALDWELL VFW Post No. 4458 addresses veterans at CHI St. Joseph Health Manor Nursing Home in Caldwell for a Memorial Day program there. Franklin Karasek, right, is addressing the veterans. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders
  • VETERANS AT CHI St. Joseph Health Manor Nursing Home attend the Memorial Day service there. They included Luke Johnson Jr., Jeff Carroll, Leon Schoebel and Johnny Ellis.
    VETERANS AT CHI St. Joseph Health Manor Nursing Home attend the Memorial Day service there. They included Luke Johnson Jr., Jeff Carroll, Leon Schoebel and Johnny Ellis.
  • CALDWELL MAYOR Janice Easter addresses the gathering at Memorial Day.
    CALDWELL MAYOR Janice Easter addresses the gathering at Memorial Day.
Seldom has one county exemplified sacrifice in wartime as Burleson County. A staunchly patriotic county with a long history of military service through many generations, Burleson County had one of the highest casualty rates of any county its size during World War II. And those sacrifices continued into the modern era. So Memorial Day in Burleson County carries a deep reverence. At the Monday…

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